This is Polina Zimina. Polina is 17 years old, and has Down syndrome. She lives in Israel, dances, and speaks fluent Russian and Hebrew. Polina has a brother, Misha, and a newborn sister, Nina.
When it comes to her future and career, Polina says that her dream is to be a model. Polina possesses all the qualities to fulfill it: she is artistic, bright and intelligent. She is not afraid to laugh when she is in front of the camera. She has taste for clothes and she is able to work hard. We believe that Polina has a strong chance for great career as a model.
That is why we gathered together a professional film crew led by famous fashion photographer Lena Sarapultseva, who works for Esquire, Bazaar, GQ, Glamor and other leading fashion magazines. All the team volunteered to work on a charitable basis, and created the modeling portfolio for Polina. Of course, we will be happy to talk with any modeling agency or project, organize a meeting or send additional photos.
About the project
A highly professional team gathered together to work on a modeling portfolio of Polina Zimina. All of them volunteered to work on a charitable basis to help Polina fulfill her dream.
The process was full of difficulties and surprises. For example, the day before the photo shoot, a relative decided to give Polina a haircut, and cut out flocks of hair right on top of her head. Polina was afraid that the stylist would even refuse to work with her after that. Fortunately, a good stylist is not easily scared, and Polina’s hairdo turned out excellent. In addition to that, Polina was quite anxious about her outfit. What would it be? Would it fit well? Would it look well? In the end, everything turned out just fine. Polina looks gorgeous, stylish and unique in all the photos.
According to Polina, she was deeply impressed by the work of the professional team. She hadn’t imagined that a real fashion-shooting would be so cool, well-coordinated and fascinating, and how fun, easy and exciting it would be to work in front of the camera. Polina’s mother, her best friend, had told her two things that proved to be very important that day. One was, “Do not lord over your people too much, my princess.” And the other was, “Working as a model is hard work that imposes many limitations. Think whether you are ready for it”. The first professional shooting day of the future model Polina Zimina showed that yes, she is ready.
The Team
The Team The whole team that gathered to create a modeling portfolio for Polina Zimina worked for free in order to help the thirteen-year-old girl fulfill her dream – become a model, a very special and unique one. Here are the people who worked on the project: